Will Your Ex Tell You If They Want You Back?

Coach Lee

Coach Lee

11 min, 24 sec

Coach Lee explains the nuances of how an ex may reach out if they want to reconcile and offers strategies for handling the situation.


  • Coach Lee discusses the common signs and behaviors an ex might exhibit when they are considering getting back together.
  • He emphasizes the importance of maintaining no contact and letting the ex make the effort to reconnect.
  • Lee provides insights on why an ex may not directly express their desire to reconcile and how to navigate their indirect communication.
  • He advises on how to respond to an ex's outreach and when to suggest meeting up to further the potential of rekindling the relationship.

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Topic

0:05 - 35 sec

Coach Lee introduces the topic of ex-partners reaching out for reconciliation.

Coach Lee introduces the topic of ex-partners reaching out for reconciliation.

  • Coach Lee begins by addressing the question of whether an ex will tell you if they want to get back together.
  • He shares an anecdote of a client whose ex-girlfriend was reaching out but not explicitly stating her desire to reconcile.

Chapter 2

Understanding No Contact and Its Impact

0:39 - 53 sec

Coach Lee explains the no contact rule and its effects on an ex's decision to reach out.

Coach Lee explains the no contact rule and its effects on an ex's decision to reach out.

  • He discusses the no contact rule and how an ex might respond quickly or take months to reach out.
  • Lee emphasizes the importance of sticking with no contact for the benefit of personal dignity and the possibility of reconciliation.

Chapter 3

Interpreting an Ex's Outreach

1:32 - 1 min, 9 sec

Coach Lee discusses how to interpret an ex's outreach and the potential underlying intentions.

Coach Lee discusses how to interpret an ex's outreach and the potential underlying intentions.

  • He suggests that an ex reaching out is often 'testing the waters' to gauge your reaction and feelings.
  • Lee advises how to respond to these initial contacts and the importance of not carrying the conversation.

Chapter 4

The Challenge for the Dumper to Reconcile

2:42 - 1 min, 3 sec

Coach Lee discusses the psychological barriers that the dumper faces in expressing the desire to reconcile.

Coach Lee discusses the psychological barriers that the dumper faces in expressing the desire to reconcile.

  • He explains that it's difficult for the dumper to directly ask for reconciliation and that they may not know if you'll take them back.
  • Lee provides perspective on the dumper's mindset and the hesitance they may feel.

Chapter 5

Helping Your Ex Along the Path to Reconciliation

3:45 - 1 min, 14 sec

Coach Lee offers strategies to assist your ex in moving towards reconciliation without being overbearing.

Coach Lee offers strategies to assist your ex in moving towards reconciliation without being overbearing.

  • He notes that after no contact, it may be necessary to help the ex feel comfortable in communicating their feelings.
  • Lee advises on how to suggest a meet-up in a smooth, casual manner after the ex has initiated contact.

Chapter 6

Understanding the Difficulties Your Ex Faces

4:59 - 1 min, 20 sec

Coach Lee empathizes with the difficulties an ex may experience in reaching out and suggesting a reunion.

Coach Lee empathizes with the difficulties an ex may experience in reaching out and suggesting a reunion.

  • He acknowledges that while you deserve an apology and clear communication, it's not always easy for your ex to provide that.
  • Lee encourages giving your ex some grace and understanding their position, while also suggesting a meet-up when appropriate.

Chapter 7

Final Thoughts on Reconciliation and No Contact

6:19 - 4 min, 44 sec

Coach Lee concludes with final thoughts on the process of reconciliation and the importance of maintaining no contact.

Coach Lee concludes with final thoughts on the process of reconciliation and the importance of maintaining no contact.

  • He reiterates the success of no contact and encourages viewers to remain steadfast in it.
  • Lee invites viewers to subscribe to his channel and offers personal coaching for those seeking a plan to get their ex back.

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