Why Your Sleep Schedule Sucks (And How To Fix It!)



121 min, 40 sec

A detailed exploration of sleep issues, scientific insights, and practical solutions.


  • Discusses the complexity of insomnia and the need for individualized solutions based on the type of sleep problem.
  • Explains the role of light exposure, metabolism, stress, anxiety, and diet in sleep quality.
  • Offers general tips for better sleep, including spending time outdoors, establishing a bedtime routine, and dietary adjustments.
  • Emphasizes the importance of understanding the body's signals for sleep and wakefulness, and the impact of medical conditions on sleep.

Chapter 1

Understanding Sleep and Its Complexities

30:35 - 91 min, 4 sec

An in-depth analysis of sleep, why it's problematic, and the scientific advancement in understanding sleep.

An in-depth analysis of sleep, why it's problematic, and the scientific advancement in understanding sleep.

  • Sleep issues are prevalent despite scientific advancement in understanding sleep due to lack of individualized solutions.
  • Insomnia is not a homogeneous condition; different types of sleep problems require different solutions.
  • Scientific studies and wellness industry often offer general solutions that do not address the specifics of an individual's sleep issue.

Chapter 2

General Tips for Better Sleep

30:35 - 91 min, 4 sec

General recommendations for improving sleep quality.

General recommendations for improving sleep quality.

  • Spend at least one hour outside daily, especially during daylight and dusk, to align the body's circadian rhythm.
  • Establish a structured bedtime routine, avoiding screens and engaging in calming activities two hours before bed.
  • Consider diet optimization, eating a light dinner to avoid insulin spikes that can interfere with sleep cycles.

Chapter 3

Specific Strategies for Sleep Issues

30:35 - 91 min, 4 sec

Tailored strategies for different sleep issues including trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking up tired.

Tailored strategies for different sleep issues including trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking up tired.

  • For difficulty falling asleep, address pitta imbalances and manage stress and anxiety before bedtime.
  • For staying asleep, reduce caffeine and technology use, and use a weighted blanket or temperature control.
  • For waking up tired, eat lightly before bed, allow natural sunlight in the morning, and wake up earlier if needed.

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