Why AI Will Spark Exponential Economic Growth | Cathie Wood | TED



14 min, 42 sec

A detailed examination of the current technological revolution, its historical context, growth dynamics, potential economic impact, and implications for the future.


  • Five innovation platforms are evolving simultaneously, unprecedented in history, which include AI, robotics, energy storage, blockchain, and multiomic sequencing.
  • Historical growth assumptions are challenged by new models, with companies like Amazon demonstrating sustained growth rates previously considered unattainable.
  • We are entering a period of real AI, leading to the convergence of general-purpose technology platforms, with potential explosive growth opportunities like autonomous taxi platforms.
  • The speaker predicts an acceleration of global GDP growth, driven by productivity from new technologies, possibly reaching a six to nine percent range.
  • Disruptive innovation is valued at $13 trillion and is expected to scale to over $200 trillion due to the convergence of technology platforms.

Chapter 1

Historical Context of Innovation Platforms

0:04 - 1 min, 1 sec

The speaker discusses the historical context of current innovation platforms, comparing it to the early 1900s when telephone, electricity, and automobile emerged.

The speaker discusses the historical context of current innovation platforms, comparing it to the early 1900s when telephone, electricity, and automobile emerged.

  • Five innovation platforms evolving simultaneously is a historical first.
  • Previous comparable era had three platforms: telephone, electricity, and automobile.
  • The current platforms are highly catalyzed by AI and include robotics, energy storage, blockchain technology, and multiomic sequencing.

Chapter 2

Growth Dynamics and Investment Beliefs

1:05 - 1 min, 31 sec

The speaker reviews past growth dynamics and investment beliefs, noting how disruptive companies like Amazon have challenged conventional growth expectations.

The speaker reviews past growth dynamics and investment beliefs, noting how disruptive companies like Amazon have challenged conventional growth expectations.

  • Investors in the past were skeptical about sustaining high growth rates.
  • The internet and AI technologies have begun changing growth patterns.
  • Amazon's consistent growth served as evidence that high growth rates can be sustained over long periods.

Chapter 3

The New Era of Real AI and Platform Convergence

2:36 - 1 min, 18 sec

The speaker introduces the new era of real AI and the convergence of technology platforms, highlighting the impact on growth and investment.

The speaker introduces the new era of real AI and the convergence of technology platforms, highlighting the impact on growth and investment.

  • We are transitioning into an era of real AI with platforms such as generative AI.
  • The convergence of technology platforms is poised to create explosive growth opportunities.
  • Investors now have greater belief in sustained growth from companies like the FAANGs.

Chapter 4

The Potential of Autonomous Taxi Platforms

3:53 - 1 min, 42 sec

The speaker exemplifies the growth potential through autonomous taxi platforms, which blend robotics, energy storage, and AI.

The speaker exemplifies the growth potential through autonomous taxi platforms, which blend robotics, energy storage, and AI.

  • Autonomous taxi platforms represent a convergence of three major platforms.
  • The revenue opportunity for autonomous taxi platforms could reach $8-10 trillion in the next 5-10 years.
  • This growth is a small fraction of the projected transformative innovation valuation.

Chapter 5

Economic Acceleration and Productivity

5:35 - 2 min, 46 sec

The speaker forecasts an acceleration in GDP growth, spurred by productivity gains from transformative technologies.

The speaker forecasts an acceleration in GDP growth, spurred by productivity gains from transformative technologies.

  • GDP growth is expected to accelerate from 2-3% to 6-9%, driven by productivity.
  • A billion knowledge workers could become four times more productive.
  • Productivity gains could result in higher profits, wages, and/or lower prices, leading to a deflationary period.

Chapter 6

Disruptive Innovation and Creative Destruction

8:21 - 5 min, 26 sec

The speaker discusses the concept of creative destruction and its impact on various sectors due to disruptive innovation.

The speaker discusses the concept of creative destruction and its impact on various sectors due to disruptive innovation.

  • Autonomous taxi platforms will disrupt transportation and mobility.
  • AI, multiomic sequencing, and CRISPR gene editing will transform healthcare.
  • Blockchain technology and AI are set to revolutionize financial services and create new digital property rights.

Chapter 7

Maintaining Conviction in Transformative Forecasts

13:47 - 34 sec

The speaker explains how their conviction in transformative forecasts remains strong and is reinforced by their research.

The speaker explains how their conviction in transformative forecasts remains strong and is reinforced by their research.

  • The speaker's research team has unwavering conviction in their forecasts, which has grown over the last five years.
  • Advancements in AI have exceeded expectations, bolstering their confidence.
  • Their research is based on first principles, aiming to understand how the new world will operate.

Chapter 8

Closing Thoughts on the Future of Innovation

14:21 - 17 sec

The speaker concludes with final thoughts on the immense opportunities that lie ahead due to innovation.

The speaker concludes with final thoughts on the immense opportunities that lie ahead due to innovation.

  • The speaker urges to embrace change and the opportunities it brings.
  • They believe that true innovation will prevail, leading to substantial economic growth.
  • They emphasize the importance of staying focused on the transformative potential of technology.

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