How Do You Deal with Social Anxiety?



10 min, 5 sec

The video explains social anxiety as a learned response and provides strategies for managing it, including understanding its roots, meditative breathing, and confronting underlying fears.


  • Social anxiety is described as a learned response where being observed is equated with danger.
  • The speaker shares personal experiences of bullying leading to social anxiety, highlighting evolutionary aspects of the adrenaline response.
  • The video outlines strategies such as acknowledging the protective intent of social anxiety, cultivating an observing self, and engaging in meditative breathing to mitigate the adrenaline response.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding and unlearning the lessons taught by social anxiety by addressing the origin of the fear.

Chapter 1

Defining Social Anxiety

0:00 - 2 min, 6 sec

Social anxiety is explained as a learned response, often stemming from childhood experiences like bullying.

Social anxiety is explained as a learned response, often stemming from childhood experiences like bullying.

  • Social anxiety is identified as a learned response, potentially with genetic predispositions.
  • Personal experiences of bullying are shared to illustrate the development of social anxiety.
  • The body and mind equate being observed with danger, prompting a fight-or-flight response.

Chapter 2

Coping Strategies for Social Anxiety

2:06 - 1 min, 3 sec

The speaker discusses methods to manage social anxiety, including humor and self-deprecation as coping mechanisms.

The speaker discusses methods to manage social anxiety, including humor and self-deprecation as coping mechanisms.

  • Self-deprecation and humor are used as tools to become 'invisible' and disarm bullies.
  • These tactics are explained as a way to present a 'mask' rather than one's true self.

Chapter 3

Understanding the Protective Nature of Social Anxiety

3:09 - 50 sec

Understanding the protective intent of social anxiety can empower individuals to manage their responses.

Understanding the protective intent of social anxiety can empower individuals to manage their responses.

  • The body's reaction to social anxiety is a survival mechanism that aims to protect the individual.
  • Recognizing the protective intent can help individuals gain some control over their anxiety.

Chapter 4

The Adrenaline Response in Social Anxiety

3:59 - 1 min, 43 sec

The adrenaline response in social anxiety leads to black-and-white thinking and treating hypothetical fears as real.

The adrenaline response in social anxiety leads to black-and-white thinking and treating hypothetical fears as real.

  • Adrenaline influences the brain to make snap judgments, blurring the line between hypothetical and real threats.
  • Understanding this process can help individuals recognize and manage their anxious thought patterns.

Chapter 5

Meditative Breathing to Mitigate Adrenaline

5:42 - 2 min, 44 sec

Meditative breathing techniques can help reduce the adrenaline response and break the cycle of social anxiety.

Meditative breathing techniques can help reduce the adrenaline response and break the cycle of social anxiety.

  • Slow exhalation activates the parasympathetic nervous system, countering adrenaline's effects.
  • Deep breathing with a focus on extended exhalation can be done discreetly in social situations.

Chapter 6

Addressing the Root Causes of Social Anxiety

8:26 - 1 min, 34 sec

Identifying and confronting the root causes of social anxiety is crucial to unlearn the association between visibility and danger.

Identifying and confronting the root causes of social anxiety is crucial to unlearn the association between visibility and danger.

  • Uncovering when and how the lesson that 'being seen equals danger' was learned is critical.
  • Processing and digesting past traumas or lessons can lead to overcoming social anxiety.

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