After I Read 103 Books on Money - Here's What Will Make You Rich

Anthony Vicino

Anthony Vicino

14 min, 41 sec

The speaker shares personal revelations and strategies for wealth building gleaned from reading over 100 books on money.


  • The speaker discusses the mindset shifts required to approach money as a game with specific rules to learn and play.
  • Three key rules of money are highlighted: paying attention to finances, not hoarding money, and understanding money can only be spent, saved, or invested.
  • The importance of building a cash-generating business and investing the proceeds into cash-generating assets like real estate is emphasized.
  • The speaker argues against a one-size-fits-all approach to wealth and promotes understanding personal circumstances and strategies with higher success probabilities.
  • The video ends with an encouragement to treat money as a game, to learn its rules, and to master the strategies for financial success.

Chapter 1

Introduction and Confession about Reading

0:00 - 33 sec

The speaker confesses to having a reading problem, humorously referencing a staged scenario of reading habits.

The speaker confesses to having a reading problem, humorously referencing a staged scenario of reading habits.

  • The speaker confesses to reading over 100 books every year.
  • Reflects on the artificiality of the video setup, acknowledging that it is constructed for viewer engagement.

Chapter 2

Understanding Money as a Game

0:37 - 1 min, 5 sec

The speaker illustrates money as a game that society views with mixed feelings and the need to learn how to play it.

The speaker illustrates money as a game that society views with mixed feelings and the need to learn how to play it.

  • Money is often seen as taboo and is both idolized and demonized in society.
  • The conflicting views on money result in discomfort when discussing it, leading to silence and ignorance.
  • Understanding money as a game is crucial; people who are good at making money see it as neither good nor bad.

Chapter 3

The Rules of Money

1:42 - 2 min, 16 sec

The speaker discusses the importance of understanding the rules of money and overcoming the belief that money is complicated.

The speaker discusses the importance of understanding the rules of money and overcoming the belief that money is complicated.

  • Many people are held back by the belief that money is complicated, but in reality, it's been made to appear that way.
  • Financial industries benefit from people's ignorance, profiting from their reluctance to manage their financial futures.
  • Understanding how money works is essential for controlling your financial destiny and playing the game better.

Chapter 4

Essential Rules for Financial Attention and Abundance

3:57 - 4 min, 15 sec

The speaker reveals key principles for financial success, emphasizing the importance of attention to finances and viewing money as an abundant resource.

The speaker reveals key principles for financial success, emphasizing the importance of attention to finances and viewing money as an abundant resource.

  • Money goes to those who pay it the most attention; implementing budgeting and daily audits can dramatically improve financial health.
  • Wealthy individuals often view money as an abundant resource and are open with their time, knowledge, and resources.

Chapter 5

Investing versus Saving and the Illusion of Saving

8:12 - 1 min, 29 sec

The speaker explains the differences between spending, saving, and investing, focusing on the deceptive nature of saving due to inflation.

The speaker explains the differences between spending, saving, and investing, focusing on the deceptive nature of saving due to inflation.

  • There are only three actions to take with money: spend it, save it, or invest it.
  • Saving is often an illusion due to inflation, which diminishes the value of money over time.
  • A better strategy is to spend money on investing in assets that grow in value and offer tax advantages.

Chapter 6

Different Paths to Wealth and Personal Investment Strategies

9:41 - 3 min, 57 sec

The speaker acknowledges the diversity of wealth-building paths and shares his own strategy of business and real estate investment.

The speaker acknowledges the diversity of wealth-building paths and shares his own strategy of business and real estate investment.

  • There is no one-size-fits-all approach to becoming wealthy; different strategies work for different people.
  • The speaker's strategy involves creating a cash-generating business and investing in real estate for its favorable tax treatment.

Chapter 7

Closing Thoughts and Acknowledgements

13:38 - 51 sec

The speaker concludes the video with gratitude and offers resources for further learning.

The speaker concludes the video with gratitude and offers resources for further learning.

  • The speaker thanks viewers for their attention and encourages them to continue learning about wealth building.
  • Resources for entrepreneur insights and real estate investment knowledge are provided.

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