5 Mental Models to Think Like a Strategic Genius

Anthony Vicino

Anthony Vicino

16 min, 53 sec

The video explores strategic thinking in business and life by applying mental models derived from competitive chess.


  • The speaker discusses the importance of good judgment powered by mental models, which are frameworks for decision-making.
  • Five key chess-based mental models are presented: Control the Center, True Value of a Piece, Position Before Submission, Owning the Initiative, and the Hardest Move to Find.
  • Each model is explained with examples from chess, business, and personal life, demonstrating their application in various scenarios.
  • The speaker shares personal anecdotes to illustrate the effectiveness of these models in improving decision-making and achieving success.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Judgment and Mental Models

0:00 - 1 min, 11 sec

The importance of judgment in success and the use of mental models for strategic thinking is introduced.

The importance of judgment in success and the use of mental models for strategic thinking is introduced.

  • Naval Ravikant's quote about judgment determining success is highlighted.
  • The speaker reflects on his own life and the consequences of poor judgment.
  • He endorses using mental models as pre-designed frameworks for making decisions.

Chapter 2

Chess and Mental Models

1:11 - 28 sec

The speaker shares how chess mental models improved his strategic thinking.

The speaker shares how chess mental models improved his strategic thinking.

  • Chess provided the speaker with a treasure trove of strategic frameworks.
  • He emphasizes the improvement in decision-making and results after applying chess mental models.

Chapter 3

Control the Center

1:39 - 2 min, 43 sec

The first chess mental model, 'Control the Center,' is explained and applied to life and business.

The first chess mental model, 'Control the Center,' is explained and applied to life and business.

  • The model emphasizes the strategic advantage of controlling the center of the chessboard.
  • The speaker provides examples of applying this model to weight loss and business focus.

Chapter 4

True Value of a Piece

4:22 - 2 min, 41 sec

The second mental model, 'True Value of a Piece,' discusses the relative value of resources and their optimal placement.

The second mental model, 'True Value of a Piece,' discusses the relative value of resources and their optimal placement.

  • The speaker explains that in chess, the value of a piece is contextual and dependent on board dynamics.
  • The model is applied to business and personal life, emphasizing the strategic placement of resources.

Chapter 5

Position Before Submission

7:02 - 2 min, 57 sec

The third mental model, 'Position Before Submission,' focuses on the importance of establishing a strong position before seeking victory.

The third mental model, 'Position Before Submission,' focuses on the importance of establishing a strong position before seeking victory.

  • The speaker uses examples from martial arts and chess to highlight the value of securing a good position before attempting to win.
  • He argues that controlling the position leads to natural opportunities for success.

Chapter 6

Owning the Initiative

9:59 - 3 min, 3 sec

The fourth model, 'Owning the Initiative,' explores the concept of dictating the action versus reacting.

The fourth model, 'Owning the Initiative,' explores the concept of dictating the action versus reacting.

  • The initiative is defined as the ability to dictate the flow of the game, leading to momentum.
  • The speaker discusses the challenge of activation energy versus maintenance energy in life and business.

Chapter 7

The Hardest Move to Find

13:02 - 3 min, 28 sec

The fifth and final mental model, 'The Hardest Move to Find,' discusses the value of strategic retreats.

The fifth and final mental model, 'The Hardest Move to Find,' discusses the value of strategic retreats.

  • The speaker explains why retreats are often overlooked and how they can sometimes be the best strategic move.
  • He shares a personal business story where a tactical retreat led to greater success.

Chapter 8

Conclusion and Further Resources

16:29 - 21 sec

The speaker concludes the video and offers additional resources for deepening strategic thinking.

The speaker concludes the video and offers additional resources for deepening strategic thinking.

  • The speaker thanks viewers for watching and encourages subscribing for more content.
  • He promotes the hyperfocused entrepreneur newsletter for further exploration of the discussed concepts.

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