Asianalysis with AL & HELEN


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Evolving your level of knowledge regarding Japan and South Korea. Video essays mostly on societal issues or true crime based in these two countries, but not always. For business inquiries: ◆About us◆ AL KIM I graduated from Waseda University 早稲田大学 (the alma mater of the current Japanese Prime Minister, Chairman of Samsung Group, CEO of Sony, president and CEO of Honda, etc) with a degree in Global Political Economy 国際政治経済学科 at the Department of Political Science and Economics 政治経済学部, and have lived, studied and worked in Japan for over a decade. I am in charge with the research and presentation on our Youtube Channel. HELEN JUNG My wife Helen majored in Japanese Language for her bachelor's degree, and has broad experiences working in Japan as a Japanese translator. Helen is in charge of the beautiful editing and thumbnail designs that you see on our Youtube Channel.


How Japan Came to Have a Standing Women Problem

How Japan Came to Have a Standing Women Problem

Asianalysis with AL & HELEN

Asianalysis with AL & HELEN

The video discusses the personal experiences of age differences in Asian cultures and dives into the phenomena of host culture and its dark side in Japan.