When To Bulk, Maintain, or Cut For Maximum Physique Results

Dr. Mike from Renaissance Periodization discusses how to choose between bulking, maintaining, or cutting phases for optimal long-term muscle gain and fat loss.


  • Explains the goals, costs, and requirements of muscle gain, maintenance, and fat loss phases.
  • Recommends durations for each phase and advises on the best starting conditions.
  • Emphasizes the importance of aligning the phase's goals with personal readiness and circumstances.
  • Uses humor and analogies to explain the significance of choosing the correct dietary phase.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Dietary Phases and Their Significance

0:00 - 23 sec

Dr. Mike introduces the topic of choosing between bulking, maintaining, or cutting phases.

Dr. Mike introduces the topic of choosing between bulking, maintaining, or cutting phases.

  • Poses the question of selecting the right dietary phase for muscle gain and fat loss.
  • Emphasizes the importance of timing diet phases with training for the best results.

Chapter 2

Understanding Muscle Gain Phase

0:23 - 2 min, 2 sec

The muscle gain phase is analyzed, detailing its goals, costs, and prerequisites.

The muscle gain phase is analyzed, detailing its goals, costs, and prerequisites.

  • The goal is muscle gain which may come with some temporary fat and increased training fatigue.
  • Requires a good body image and low training fatigue to start.
  • Recommended duration is between 12 to 20 weeks.

Chapter 3

Exploring Maintenance Phase

2:25 - 3 min, 22 sec

The maintenance phase is highlighted for its recovery benefits and distinct objectives.

The maintenance phase is highlighted for its recovery benefits and distinct objectives.

  • Aim is to recover from diet and training fatigue to prepare for subsequent phases.
  • No significant body changes occur, and it's recommended to last 2 to 12 weeks.
  • Requires some level of fatigue from previous phases to be beneficial.

Chapter 4

Delving into Fat Loss Phase

5:47 - 4 min, 31 sec

The fat loss phase is dissected, explaining its purpose, challenges, and ideal starting point.

The fat loss phase is dissected, explaining its purpose, challenges, and ideal starting point.

  • Targets fat loss while maintaining muscle mass.
  • Increases diet and training fatigue, and is best started with low levels of both.
  • Ideally pursued for 8 to 12 weeks under uninterrupted conditions.

Chapter 5

Determining the Right Phase for You

10:18 - 5 min, 39 sec

Guidance is provided on how to select the dietary phase that aligns with personal goals and readiness.

Guidance is provided on how to select the dietary phase that aligns with personal goals and readiness.

  • Choose based on which phase's goal appeals most and if the conditions are met.
  • Consider personal circumstances and readiness for the chosen dietary phase.
  • Uses examples to illustrate how to make the right choice.

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