Lessons I Regret not knowing as a Software Engineer in My 20s

Harkirat Singh

Harkirat Singh

12 min, 10 sec

The video covers personal insights on wealth accumulation and career progression in the tech industry.


  • Initial compensation is less important than equity and company growth potential.
  • Taking calculated risks, like joining startups early, can lead to substantial gains.
  • Continual learning and adapting to new technologies are crucial for a software developer's growth.
  • Health is important and should not be neglected for work.
  • Financial success often includes an element of luck, such as being at the right company at the right time.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Wealth Building in Tech

0:00 - 32 sec

An example of wealth accumulation through equity in tech and an introduction to the video's themes.

An example of wealth accumulation through equity in tech and an introduction to the video's themes.

  • Discusses a hypothetical scenario where an employee's equity in Nvidia could lead to substantial wealth over time.
  • Introduces the video's focus on important financial lessons in the tech industry.

Chapter 2

The Irrelevance of Initial Compensation

0:47 - 40 sec

Initial salary is less significant for long-term wealth compared to growth opportunities within the right company.

Initial salary is less significant for long-term wealth compared to growth opportunities within the right company.

  • Initial salary doesn't dictate long-term earnings; growth within the company and technical skill development are more critical.
  • The presence of technical mentors and learning opportunities can be more valuable than starting salary.

Chapter 3

The Trap of Golden Handcuffs

2:29 - 38 sec

High salaries in tech can become 'golden handcuffs,' deterring individuals from pursuing potentially more lucrative opportunities.

High salaries in tech can become 'golden handcuffs,' deterring individuals from pursuing potentially more lucrative opportunities.

  • High-paying jobs can make it hard to leave for opportunities with better growth or learning potential.
  • The importance of considering factors beyond immediate financial gain is emphasized.

Chapter 4

Changing Priorities with Experience

2:34 - 43 sec

As one gains experience, priorities shift from focusing on salary to work-life balance, equity, and learning opportunities.

As one gains experience, priorities shift from focusing on salary to work-life balance, equity, and learning opportunities.

  • After several years, the focus on salary diminishes as other factors become more important.
  • Work-life balance, equity in the company, and the potential to learn and grow take precedence.

Chapter 5

Health and Work-Life Balance

3:55 - 45 sec

Maintaining health is crucial given the sedentary nature of software development.

Maintaining health is crucial given the sedentary nature of software development.

  • Software development's sedentary lifestyle can lead to health issues if not actively managed.
  • Finding enjoyable physical activities and maintaining a balance is important for long-term health.

Chapter 6

Continuous Growth and Learning

4:51 - 53 sec

Software developers must continually learn and adapt to stay relevant in the rapidly changing tech industry.

Software developers must continually learn and adapt to stay relevant in the rapidly changing tech industry.

  • The tech industry evolves quickly and developers must keep up with new technologies and practices.
  • Exploring open-source projects and different tech stacks can foster growth and prevent obsolescence.

Chapter 7

The Power of Compounding Knowledge

6:23 - 1 min, 8 sec

Deep knowledge in a specialized area can compound over time and lead to significant financial gains.

Deep knowledge in a specialized area can compound over time and lead to significant financial gains.

  • Specializing in a field that's in demand can lead to substantial earnings.
  • Building systems used by others, rather than projects for a resume, can enhance knowledge retention and worth.

Chapter 8

The Role of Luck in Wealth Accumulation

7:36 - 51 sec

A significant portion of net worth can be attributed to luck, such as joining a fast-growing startup early.

A significant portion of net worth can be attributed to luck, such as joining a fast-growing startup early.

  • Many wealthy individuals gained their fortune by being early employees in successful startups.
  • Taking calculated risks by joining startups with solid teams can lead to outsized rewards.

Chapter 9

Understanding Market Timing

9:06 - 47 sec

Timing is crucial when joining companies; early employees benefit more from stock appreciation than later ones.

Timing is crucial when joining companies; early employees benefit more from stock appreciation than later ones.

  • The best time to join a company is often when it's not yet highly valued, as the potential for stock appreciation is greater.
  • Employees should consider carefully before selling their equity, as it could lead to regret if the company's value skyrockets.

Chapter 10

Providing Value and Making an Impact

10:42 - 1 min, 20 sec

Maximizing earnings and impact in tech requires providing substantial value and not just being a small part of a big team.

Maximizing earnings and impact in tech requires providing substantial value and not just being a small part of a big team.

  • Being a small part of a large team can lead to security but may not offer the best path to substantial earnings.
  • Choosing companies with technically strong teams and leaders can lead to better knowledge growth and potential financial success.